Coyotl Nanobrewery
Batch fifteen: September Saison

07/27/2008 13:25 3.5 gallons R/O water on high gas for steep
07/27/2008 14:02 Added steeping grains at 164°F, gas to 3
07/27/2008 14:16 159°F gas to 4, added Sulfate blend (Brew Salts)
07/27/2008 14:32 Grain bag out, back on high for boil
07/27/2008 15:05 Added 3lbs dry extract and about half of the liquid, 1.5 oz Sterling pellet hops (5.9% AA) back on high for boil
07/27/2008 15:21 Back to boil for 55 minutes
07/27/2008 16:20 Added 1.5 oz Czech Saaz pellet hops (4.0% AA) and rest of dry and liquid extract, spices, and 18 oz 75L Amber Belgian Candi, back on gas for final boil
07/27/2008 16:24 Boil for 5 min
07/27/2008 16:32 In ice bath to chill
07/27/2008 16:49 Added to ice in fermenter at 125°F
07/27/2008 16:58 Added 1 gallon RO, pitching at 75°F. Hydrometer reads 1.074, adjusts to OG 1.076. Fermenting at room temp, from 73°F to 78°F.
07/28/2008 05:30 By first AM, was fermenting very vigorously, foamed through airlock by afternoon
08/05/2008 Racked to secondary, measured SG 1.018 @ 76°F corrected to 1.020
09/04/2008 17:31 Kegged. FGeasured 1.008 at 76°F corrected to 1.010. 8.6% Alcohol by volume, 342 cal/pint
  Kegged at 20 psi but will drop to maybe 10 psi after a couple days to reduce overcarbonation.
Won Homebrewer of the month at Arizona Society of Homebrewers general meeting on 16 September 2008 :)